Monday, June 1, 2009

The gaming console that gets the kids away from the TV

Always moaning that kids are in front of the TV Saturday when they play outside?

The answer can be a different game console. It's called Swinxs and gamemaster is true that you can use in the home or in the garden, park or even down the beach.

He can talk, explain games, players and even acknowledge the referee. Best of all the children get their backsides and play traditional games like hide and seek, touch, and also set the music quiz and chairs.

Swinxs the coming pre-loaded with seven games and other games can be downloaded for free via your PC and the supplied USB cable. Games aimed at 4 to 10 years most.

It's very portable, battery life is good and you can even use it to play music - meaning fun day!

I actually look to buy in a year ago for Christmas, but the £ 130 price tag does not make me active. The good news is that prices have come down and now you can buy one for only £ 60, so that the value Swinxs large.

Even put your feet up during the coming summer holiday season and let Swinxs entertaining children!

Swinxs available from the Early Learning Center, the price of £ 60.

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